Hiking, Mountain Biking Trails, and Disc Golf (All Dog Friendly) Closed!



A river with rapids and rocks in the water.

The Grand Lake Metro Rec District offers dog-friendly hiking and mountain biking trails. Closed For the Winter!

A map of the trail and bike park area.

Find all of these trails on the map HERE.

We are excited to announce that our 18-Hole Disc Golf Course is now open and ready to play!  It is completely free and starts at the main trail head. We have Innova and DGA golf discs and bags available for sale in the golf shop at the golf course.

A metal chain is attached to the ground.

Find the Disc Golf Course Map HERE.

Be aware of downed, leaning and falling trees. Melting snow creates very moist soil: the perfect condition for both dead and live trees to fall. Lodge pole pine have very shallow roots, so take caution, especially on windy days when trees fall more frequently. Also watch out for wildlife: bears are emerging hungry from hibernation, and moose and elk are calving, making the females exceptionally dangerous as they defend their young. When all else fails, DON’T MESS WITH THE MOOSE!!

Many species of wildlife can be found here, including:

Moose, elk, mule deer, coyote, fox, river otter, black bear, mountain lion, lynx, bobcat, pine marten, ermine, porcupine, skunk, snowshoe hare, cottontail rabbit, jack-a-lope, golden-mantled ground squirrel, least chipmunk, raccoon, beaver, chorus frog, garter snake and many species of birds and insects.