Grand Player’s Discount Card


We want to offer affordable golf to all of our taxpayers in the District! This Discount Card is designed as an alternative  for the second home owners or a local golfers who don’t play enough to commit to a season pass. Purchase the Discount Card and receive the following discounted rates on green fees all season!

Local GRAND PLAYER’S Discount Card 2025 FEE ~ $50 (SAVINGS $10 to $35 per round)
Available for Purchase in the Golf Shop all Summer!

Green Fees for Grand Player’s Card Open – May 23 May 24 – Sept 30 October 1 – Close
18 Holes * $45 $65 $45
9 Holes * $35 $35 $35
(3 pm) * $30 $30 $30
*(Cart Fees Additional)
Cart 9 $10 $10 $10
Cart 18 $20 $20 $20